by Christina | Jul 2, 2019 | Blog, LifeStyle, Millennials, Real Estate
Selling your home is a big deal, especially if you don’t have any previous experience in it. It can be a tricky process, and there is more to it than simply sticking a ‘For Sale’ sign out front. There are many tips and tricks for millennial homebuyers, but what with...
by Christina | May 23, 2019 | Blog, Business, Millennials
Millennials are becoming a more significant part of the workforce with each passing year, giving them opportunities that may not have existed without their job — like the chance to travel. Millennials are known for having to be smart with their budgets, as...
by Clara Miller | May 16, 2019 | Blog, LifeStyle, Millennials, Real Estate
So you have finally bought a house. Done with all the paperwork and the hassle of getting a mortgage! Finally done with paying rent every month! Done with dealing with crappy landlords and prissy neighbors who look down on you because you are a renter rather...